Hey y'all! |
Goodness, the weeks FLY.
So many awesome, and funny, and hard things happened this week.
We had a wonderful zone training this past Tuesday and it was awesome. To hear how many miracles are occurring not only here in Madison, but all over the mission! The work is truly progressing. We focused a lot on how we can really emphasize, and teach the Book of Mormon. I hope y'all are reading from it each day. My love for the Savior grows so much, and I really come to know who he Is to me as I read. Its so cool if you pray about a question before you read, and you will ALWAYS receive an answer, its awesome. Even if it isn't the exact answer you are looking for, it will be the one you need.
We also saw Brother Boyd this week.. and no one believes that I could ever get mad out here. But I was so frustrated with that man! We walk over and it's only 1 p.m. and he's SO drunk. We were trying to have a lesson outside with his son Darius, and he was just being a cotton headed ninny muggings! Darius told us he's grateful for it though, because he knows what not to do. I had to laugh because the last time we were over there teaching Brother Boyd says, "You need to teach that boy about the Word of Wisdom." My goodness I wanted to throw a bucket of ice cold water on that man and yell "repent!" haha.
We also have been meeting with Johny this week, and we've been able to take our stellar member, Brenda who lives at the Madison home with us! She loves getting out of that place, and she brings such a strong spirit. Johny sang amazing grace with us and then we talked to him about the law of Chastity when his girlfriend Dawn wasn't there. We found out quite a few things about his situation that are going to delay his baptism. I just wanted to cry right then and there. Johny is so prepared, and the hurdles he has our hard to go around. And I know that its all in Heavenly Fathers timing, but I just want Johny to be written down in the church already! He's such a solid, good guy! And when he's at church he has so many friends and loves being there! It's so amazing to see. So please keep Johny in your prayers!
Will is going to be baptized on December 5th! We are so stoked for him, he's super quiet with us usually, but this past lesson he really opened up and it was so much fun! the member family he is marrying into our the Davis's, and they had us over for dinner the other night. It's kind of a big deal, because this family is very picky about who they invite over for dinner and they've recently become less active. They made empanada's that were fried instead of baked and they were SO good, and they also made cream cheese baked apples! They also had theyre Aunt there who has become very Anti about the church, and she usually stays away from the missionaries, but by the end of the night she kept saying we were her favorite! It was awesome! We'll definitely be working with her.
I just love it here. The work really is progressing here in the south and its so awesome to be a part of. Sister Gerard was talking to me the other day about how many miracles we've both been seeing in our areas and its just so humbling to know that Heavenly Father doesn't need us to be missionaries, but oh how much WE need to be missionaries. Her trainer, and my grandma Jennie Moon e-mailed and asked, Why did Heavenly Father call you to be a missionary? I thought about it for a long while that day.. and my answer was different than what I would answer now. That's what makes being a missionary truly awesome, you're constantly receiving answers, revelation and guidance. And it isn't just because I'm here on a mission, but it's because I'm learning to turn to my Savior and Heavenly Father for the things that I need. It's so easy in the world now to turn to things that don't really make us. I remember when I was in need of help I'd turn to google. or text a friend. When I was bored I'd go run or watch Netflix. I feel bad that I was compelled to turn to my Heavenly Father and the scriptures more out here, but now that I've truly been able to learn and see WHY they are the only options out here, its because they are the things we truly need.
I was reading a talk called, "The light of Hope" this morning, and it asked, "As you review the last year or the last ten years, what is the best day you remember?" I at first was thinking of some of my hiking days when I went to Glacier National Park, or my first time through the temple, or the day I was able to have my family there to say goodbye to them before I left here knowing how much Trust I had in Heavenly Father, and those are all SO good. But then it said, "A person without hope centered in Christ may choose a day that was simply fun or easy. But the best day may really have been when life's events forced you to your knees to communicate with you Father with new intent; it may have been a day that wasn't convenient or even happy, but you have became a bigger, better person when you faced a problem with courage." I can now look back at the things I've gone through so far out here, and I've definitely been through some hard, growing periods. It seems like each transfer I was put into an even harder, take me out of my comfort zone position. But They really were where I learned how much strength and happiness come from turning to our Heavenly Father, and gaining the peace, and courage and strength that come from him and our Savior.
I have a huge favor to ask! Will y'all please share one conference talk that you have really come to love, and have felt Heavenly Father talk to you through it? Please just share what talk it was, and a brief explanation why! Please, and thank you!
I hope y'all have a blessed rest of your week, and turn to your Heavenly Father more when life gets rough, or boring or you need help! And even just to say thanks, those are the prayers that strengthen us most.
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